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Which part of the body is most important for survival? Your answer hides what you should change in life


Which part of the body do you think is most important for survival? Choose one of these options and find out what type of personality you have and what you need to change in your life. Personality tests help us understand our emotions, the behaviours we adopt and how we relate to others. 


The nervous system or the muscles? Which part of the body represents you most? Try doing this curious test that reveals one side of your character, maybe the hidden one that you didn't know you had and says what you should change to get better. 
To do it, it only takes a few minutes and no commitment. As we always say, the tests do not have the absolute truth in their pockets, they are simple games and as such must be taken. 
Take two minutes of your time and start the test. 
Just choose a part of the body and see the profile to which they correspond. After the picture, you will find the solutions. 
01. Skeleton 

If you have chosen the skeleton, it means that you are a person who needs stability. For you, the most important thing is what can support you. The problem is that many times, you stick to the rules too much, you always need to feel safe, losing sight of spontaneity and the fact that in life, there may be unexpected events. So what you need is to let yourself go, clearly without losing sight of who you really are. 
 02. Muscles 

If you have chosen muscles, it means that you are a person who needs to feel strong in order to feel good. You have a strong personality and have worked hard to get everything you have. For you, commitment and power go hand in hand. What you need now is to give more space to feelings. You put all your effort into creating a safe haven, but you left out some of the most important things in life: love, friendship, family. Reconnect and you will see that everything will improve. 
 03. Circulatory system   

If you have chosen the circulatory system, it means that you are a very sentimental person: love and passion are the most important things in life. Not only towards people: put your heart in everything you do. The real change you need to make is to learn not to forget yourself. Sometimes you are so passionate that you don't take care of tea. Love yourself and take a break from others. 
 04. Nervous system 

If you have chosen the nervous system, it means that you are a very rational person. You are intelligent, you learn quickly, you have an innate curiosity and a great capacity for progress. But on the other hand, you tend to be a little pessimistic. What you need to change in your life is the way you relate to your thoughts. Remember that you are not what you have in mind, you are much more. Get out of there and you will see that the world is a less hostile place than it seems. 

 05. Digestive system 

If you have chosen the digestive system it is because you are a person who takes great care of himself, enjoys the pleasures of life and who does not leave health or well-being aside. The problem is that sometimes you tend to be a little selfish, focusing too much on yourself. The change you need to make in your life is to listen a little more to others and learn that everyone, even the most diverse people, has something to teach you. If you can open up to what the world has to tell you with humility, you will grow as a person. 

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