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New Disease Increasingly Common: Much More Dangerous for Women Than HIV!


HPV is mostly a disease that is transmitted by sexual intercourse, and affects both men and women.Medical experts claim that this virus responsible for cervical cancer, cancer of the penis, anus and mouth.Just read your article below and learn how to protect yourself. You have to know how to prevent it, you need to know the symptoms and you must know what to do if you get it. First, you should know that HPV is actually a group of viruses that can hit human skin, and that there are 100 different types of viruses.About 40 types of HPV virus is known as genital HPV because they affect the area around the genitals.
Over 80% of men and women will be infected with at least one type of HPV at some point.Genital HPV can be a high risk that can cause cervical cancer, or low risk type that can cause warts on the genitals. HPV is easily transmitted directly through the skin or in contact with skin. Anyone who has any kind of sexual activity involving genital contact could get genital HPV. A few facts about HPV – which you should know how to keep your body healthy:
– As we have already said, HPV is easily transmitted through direct skin penetration is not necessary.– You will not know you have it, because HPV infection – infection usually does not show any signs or symptoms. Most people can be infected with HPV – player and get through it and that did not even know they have it.– Well, most types of HPV – and it will not harm your health, but you should know that the so-called. high-risk type can alter the structure of cells and cervical cancer go into cervika-.– According to the latest data, women who are infected with high-risk HPV virus are more likely to develop cervical cancer in the next 1 to 20 years. – For women over 30 years is proposed to do a pap smear.– You should also know that infection in women older than 30 years are harder treated naturally.Therefore, they should visit a gynecologist and get appropriate treatment.– Female condoms reduce the risk of contact. A female condoms cover more than male condoms.However, they only reduce the risk of contact. Neither of these two types of condoms not completely eliminate the risk of infection. – According to the latest data, almost 30% of oral cancers associated with HPV – infection. The best way to protect yourself from these infections is to regularly test.But first consult with a doctor, because the virus can really be dangerous.